Will you get a return on your investment?
Good morning. Now this live stream is pretty damn early so I may be here all by myself, but my name is Coach Jimmy and I am coming to you from the floor of the New Orleans Airport. It’s really weird they have an entire…you know like they have gates and stuff, I am at the empty gate. So I am not…near anyone because I was like, I was sitting here and I have been up since 2am.
If you follow me on Snapchat, which I hope that you do, you saw that I got up at 2am to do a workout this morning because I was travelling and I am really going to hit the ground running to a live event. That’s what I want to talk to you about today. Is whether or not…like the number one factor on whether or not a live event…getting to some kind of live event or training or conference is worth it.
So let me know if this is working real quick because I am jumping in here. Sometimes this live stream is a little wonky. Just want to make sure you guys can see me. Just leave me a comment. Let me know why you are up this early.
I just told my wife it’s like, “I am going to go do a live steam and I may be the only person up and running.” Oh, Megan’s there, hi. Cameron, look at you. I got early birds with me as well.
So I have been at New Orleans the last few days. We flew down here to spend some time with my in-laws and to drop off my son because we are heading today to Nashville and in Nashville is the week long Beachbody Coach Summit. So for those of you that don’t know what I do or my business or something, I have a home business, and I help market and help people get started with in home fitness programs that Beachbody does.
Once a year, we have a big coach Summit and I have been going to these…I went to the very first one. I have been a coach for 9 years now. I’ve only missed one of these and so I have seen a lot…and not only this event, but I have been to a lot of training events.
I have seen people come with me to events before. I have people on my team that have probably gone to more training events that I have and whose businesses don’t reflect it. So I am always very cautious for people that think…it’s really a double edged sword.
Changing Your Environment
I think there is magic in events.
I think getting out of your house, out of your normal element, and going to an event with like-minded people that are also there to improve themselves, super magic things can happen there.
I have seen people go to something like that and a light bulb comes on and watch their lives and businesses completely change. Whether that something like this, where it’s the corporate office of the business that you work with is doing something or if it’s an external training. Something like last week, if you guys were following me, I was out in Las Angeles for Chalene’s Marketing Impact Academy and I have seen people go to things like that.
I have gone to…let me see I will try to think of some other events that I have invested in. I have gone to Danny Johnson’s first step to success. I have gone to Danny Johnson’s Creating of Dynasty. I have gone to Chalene’s Smart Success, as along with MIA. I have gone to a couple of Bo Eason events about the power of telling your story. I have spent a lot of money on events and money, a lot of times early on, I didn’t have. I have gone to other Beachbody Events, we used to have these things called Game plan events that happen quarterly that you had to travel to. They weren’t like near you.
Events Can Change Your Life
And so it’s funny because I was thinking this morning about the people that have come with me on a lot of these trips and one of my favorite stories is of my buddy Coby Linder. If you guys don’t follow Coby, amazing vegan body builder dude. He was…he still is a musician, but a lot of people knew him because he was the drummer of a band called “Say Anything” and he decided after about a year of watching me online that he wanted to get involved with this business with me and decided for us to work together.
For the first year or so of his business, he was real casual. He didn’t want to come across real salesy. He didn’t want to push anything. He didn’t want to alienate his fan base of people that really were following him for music and we had one of these Beachbody Coach summits in Los Angeles, where he was living, and I was like, “Dude, it’s down the street from you. You should come.”
His conviction on what was possible was so much louder to him than the criticism of his audience.
Allowed him and I to meet each other for the first time and I literally watched the light bulb come on for this guy and he sat there and for the first time he grasped the potential impact that he could have with this business and in people’s lives. The way he could really impact other people. The way he could improve their lives both physically and financially. And how things could change for him where he was so reliant on a music industry that it was hard to make a living on. Like he was traveling and touring and stuff, but he was still struggling financially even though he was “famous” in his band.
And I watched him within a year, take off. Like just…he came out of that event like nobody I have ever seen just on fire. Not only just like, “Oh, I am really hyped up,” but watched his actions and became kind of obsessive with it in a good way.
He took some flack for it. He had people in his circle like, “What are you doing? Are you involved in this cult? Why are you going nuts with this thing?” And his conviction on what was possible was so much louder to him than the criticism of his audience or his friends or his family or the people that knew him before he got involved with that.
Okay, so that exact same event, I probably had ten other people on my team there. Some of which are no longer in my business. Some of which whose businesses has still never changed and we are talking…geez, how many years ago was this? So we are talking maybe 5 years ago…Asher was 4 months old, my son.
You Get Out What You Put In
So we are talking this summer it was five years ago and there are people that were at that Summit, same event, sat in the same audience, heard the exact same message who have done nothing with it and have continued to either quit and bailed out or continue invest in the next training and the next event because this one is going to be the magic one that is going to be the magic one that is going to give them the magic answers and the magic system and the magic words that are going to help them get results.
So if you’re…I think some of you that are on here I will probably see at Coach Summit and I am just going to give you a heed of warning, you are going to sit in an audience and you are going to see some people that have more success than you walk across the stage and be recognized and maybe teach and some of you are going to be inspired and are going to be like, “Dude, if that chick or that dude can do it why not me?” And you are going to grasp on to something and take fire with it and you are going to change your life.
There are some of you that are going to get super excited and feel really motivated, but have no action plan coming out of this and you’re going to be really motivated when you are in a stadium of 25,000 other people talking about what you are gonna do and how this is going to be a different year. You are going to get home when nobody is cheering you on to show up every day and do the work and nothing is going to change for you.
Then some of you are going to be there and you are going to see all these success stories and you are going to use that as a pity party.
“I could never do that. Oh, of course she is successful. Look how pretty she is or how tall she is or busty she is or pants on that guy is or whatever.” You are going to have an excuse on why that person has had more success than you have.
Are You Willing to Act?
I just find it really interesting and if I knew the variable, like the secret sauce of why one person, like a Coby, goes to an event like that and see what’s possible that goes okay and he just gets really noisy about it. Like he got really noisy about it and he didn’t care if people thought he was obsessive or thought that he was too pushy or salesy or whatever. He found something he believed in, saw something that was an opportunity to change his life, and he went all in. He was like, “I am going to be noisy and I am going to alienate some people, but I am also going to find some people along the way.”
You know one of those people was my friend Jack and Jack took off with this, Jack got her sister involved, and her sister Lauren is another example. I met Lauren 2 years ago at a Coach Summit and she was an emerald coach. Now, for those of you that aren’t Beachbody Coaches, basically this means that she only had 2 people doing the business with her and I bet those two people weren’t even doing the business. They were just getting involved with the discount.
So she showed up with literally 2 other people that had said yes to her (not a huge track record of success). 2 years later she is showing up to this event as the highest ranking coach besides myself in our entire organization as an 8 star Diamond Coach in 2 years. Because, again, Lauren went there, she thrives on a challenge, but she is super professional. You give her a system and a plan, she as crazy work ethic, and this is all while she has a full time job.
I met Lauren 2 years ago at a Coach Summit and she was an emerald coach. Now, she is showing up to this event as the highest ranking coach besides myself in our entire organization as an 8 star Diamond Coach in 2 years.
You know both of these, Coby was traveling touring the world with his band, Lauren has a full time job working forty hours a week, and these people went and did it. Yet, there were other people in that audience with more time and more resources and more experience and more a lot of things, they didn’t do shit with this.
When people ask me, “Should I get to that event? Is it worth it?” That’s up to you.
I always say yes get there because there could be a light bulb that turns on or something. I have even helped people get to events before thinking, “Man, if I just give them a little help, they are going to get there.” I would love to say that I have a thousand percent track record on the people that I have chosen to help get to events that maybe can’t afford or something. I still do it from time to time but my track record isn’t good because these people get assistance and don’t do shit with it.
Don’t Waste Your Time if You Aren’t Serious
I’ve had to remove myself from the investment versus the result. Nine weeks ago I hosted and event for 500 dudes and told them there is no reason why they shouldn’t show up to Summit as a diamond coach. For those of you who don’t know, it’s just a ranking means you have had twelve people in your organization. So I was like, “You can add twelve people in nine weeks,” and a lot of these guys are going to show up not Diamond.
Out of all the guys that were at my event, I think 2 will show up as Diamond and they were already diamond at the event.
There will be some that were diamond at my men’s event that aren’t diamond now and there is a bunch of dudes on my team that didn’t do shit with this unfortunately.
There were some guys that took off and did amazing things with it. I don’t know if I could bottle with the difference is…I think a lot of it has to do with confidence. You know, it’s funny. This morning I was listening to my go to like personal development in the morning, and again I just want to thank you guys for the hearts and the likes and I also want to thank those of you that are sharing this on to your timeline right now. I really do appreciate that you all have been so awesome about that lately. It just shows me hopefully that my topics lately have been hitting home. Do thank you for those of you that are sharing this.
Awesome, Ashley. I am so glad to know that there were some guys at that event that actually took advantage of the training and want and did it.
So this morning, I woke up at 2 to go get my work out in and I am checking my clock here because I got to board a plane in about twenty minutes. Steven Furtick’s new sermon this week was about confidence and he was talking about the only way to gain confidence…you see a confident person, they weren’t born that way. They weren’t just confident. A lot of people look at me and say, “Jimmy, you are confident,” and I haven’t always been.
If you don’t know my story, I used to be 100lbs overweight, I was a three time college dropout. There is a lot about me that wasn’t confident at all. If you see a confident person, it just means that they have chosen to show up every day and try something again and again and again and again and again and show up and fall down and show up and fall down and show up and fall down.
Be Willing to Fail
And I think the variable between the people that go to these events and have success and the people that don’t, is some of these people go and they try one time and then that’s it. They don’t show up every day. I don’t know. If there was something I could inject in you that guarantees that you go to your next event or training or whatever, and we are just talking about the people that do that. We’re are not even talking about the people that don’t even get to the event. So you are at the event, you are surrounded by people that are all excited about this, why do some do it and some don’t? Why do some plug in and some don’t?
You are the variable. You’re it.
In our organization, we offer online support communities where people can gather and share ideas or plug in and some people take advantage of them and some people disappear. Some people want to blame me or the system or whatever because, “Oh, they didn’t talk to me enough. They didn’t jump on the phone enough.” And that’s all bullshit because nobody jumped on the phone with me to change my diaper everyday to make sure I was doing my stuff.
Confident people weren’t born that way. It just means that they have chosen to show up every day and try something again and again fall down and show up.
I had an online community I could plug into, I could ask questions, and I’d get back to work. If I needed a clarification, if I needed a tip on something, pop in, cool, get my answer, get back to work, because I saw the potential to change my life both physically and financially. Whether it’s my hundred pound weight loss or creating a 7 figure online business. Nothing else was offering change in either of those areas. So I am like, “Okay, if it’s me and this plant over there and where I want to go is that plant, am I willing to take the steps to get over there?” And yeah, Jocelyn, a lot of people are there an obstacle. But then change that. You can change that at any time. Does that mean you don’t have fear? No. Does that means you don’t have days you screw up? No.
I mean, I am returning to the scene of a crime last year. And for those of you that are newer to following me and stuff, it was exactly one year ago at Coach Summit that I probably had my most embarrassing time as a public figure since I started a business you know. I went to summit feeling bulletproof, my business was rocking, things were good I just wanted to celebrate, I felt bulletproof, and so I proceeded to show up the first day, start day drinking, and get blind ass drunk until somebody punched me in the eye at 3am in the morning and I had to walk around summit with a black eye and a super bruised ego all of last year.
The Only Way Out is Through
This is the first time I will be seeing a lot of those people since then. I could have stayed home. There is a lot of things about this that I have a little trepidation about. Shit, I could have gone home the day it happened because the day it happened was really the day before the Summit started and I could have gone home then. But you just have to go through. Your fears keep you inactive and inactivity is going to keep you right where you are.
Let’s say you take a step and fall down, are you any worst than you were where your starting point? No. That’s what I don’t get with people. This like, “I am afraid to fail,” or even worse like, “I have a fear of success.” All that’s just bullshit. It’s just an excuse for not doing the work and some of you are doing the work and you just haven’t had your breakthrough yet and you just got to keep…am I still willing to dig till I hit a whale right?
So my wife just text me which means that I probably need to go back to the gate, but I did want to pop on here and just kind of share my 2 cents for those of you heading…those I’ll see at Coach summit or just if you are in an event or going through a training.
My day is going to be super different than most people because I do this full time now. I think time management and stuff like that is unique to each individual. Like today, I got up at 2:00am to work out because my schedule is different today. I did the same thing when my son was born. If I am not getting shit done, I get up earlier, and knock it all out. I can always get up earlier than everybody else. Always. Because if I can’t get stuff done, I can be up when nobody else is up and get stuff done. Whether it’s business, physical, whatever. Thanks, Nicole. I really appreciate it.
So guys if this is a big help for you make sure to subscribe, click the little thumbs up button, I really appreciate that, and please share this to your timeline and when you share it, say why you plugged in. Like you know how you have an option to make a little comment there, share it, and say I listened to Coach Jimmy today and it was helpful because… So I really do appreciate it, make sure to follow me on Snapchat, I will be snapping all week. I am JimmyHaysNelson on Snapchat. I will be snapping all week from Coach Summit and we will talk real soon. Take care.