Using Video to Grow Your Business
Coach Jimmy: So you have decided to walk up right when I am going live, people know better than to just sneak up on me because then I will put them on camera, what do you think of MIA?
Guest: It’s awesome, I think that everybody should be here.
Coach Jimmy: So for those of you who don’t know MIA is Marketing Impact Academy, it is headed up by the small blond powerhouse named Chalene Johnson. This is your first time here?
Guest: First time to a live event yeah.
Coach Jimmy: But you have done other Chalene…
Guest: Oh yeah I have, we have been to Smart Success and one other live events that she has done so far.
Coach Jimmy: Those 2 mentorship
Guest: Yup, the mentorship.
Coach Jimmy: And for those of you who don’t know, follow Chalene Johnson, if you are any kind of entrepreneur, business owner, even if you are in real estate. I think it really doesn’t matter what kind of industry you are in. I think you can apply these things right?
Guest: Yeah
Coach Jimmy: Like I was thinking musicians can apply this thing, artist, real estate agents, people in mortgage, bankers.
Guest: You got brick and mortars.
Coach Jimmy: Brick and mortars, local businesses whatever. I come obviously for those of you that follow me, I run an online business, build a team and then we are marketing team, but I am also in the process of creating my own products as well and so Chalene has been a great mentor to me.
Looks like we have just stopped, we have heard from 2 killer people today. Nicole Walters, if you don’t follow her on Periscope as NapturalNicole, they call her Scoprah. She came on and gave us some closing tips and about closing not looking at that and sales as an hicky thing, but as something that you are really helping to get somebody to a solution and finding out if their objections are legit or if it’s just a fear based thing to really help them.
We just heard from my friend Sean Cannell from video influencers talking about ways to kill it on YouTube like this one does here Coach Tulin. We are dueling live?
Guest: We are dueling live.
Coach Jimmy: This is very Inception here. Is this the equivalent of crossing the streams in Ghostbusters?
Coach Tulin: A little bit. This guy at my grumpiest, at my worst, growth, homeless change my life, please listen to him it will change your life. This is the guy who have given a chance to me. Everything that you guys followed me and asked me about, started with him.
Coach Jimmy: Love you
Coach Tulin: He is my brother, anyway so you guys go.
Coach Jimmy: And follow Coach Tulin.
Coach Tulin: And follow Coach Jimmy, this is my inspiration, this is my love, this is my life.
Coach Jimmy: I couldn’t ask for a better testimony on film right now this is awesome so…
Coach Tulin: Broke and homeless to not so much.
Coach Jimmy: And when I say hi to myself I assume that’s probable Kelly saying that.
Coach Tulin: That Kelly.
Coach Jimmy: It’s either Kelly or Arron or I like 3 admins on my page so.
Coach Tulin: Bye I am not going you keep talking.
Coach Jimmy: Continue.
Coach Jimmy: So the other cool thing about live events like this is the fact that you get to make connections like that. You really get to impact people.
Tulin is somebody that I have the privilege of mentoring and it’s funny now, I learn from her like her YouTube channel is blowing up. Doing a lot of the things that I was saying we learned from Sean Cannell today, if you are not following Sean Cannell with Video Influencers, you can follow him at videoinfluencers on Youtube.
Really teaches people how to get videos ranked on YouTube and to reach a bigger audience. I am looking to use more video to build a bigger team, to mentor more people, and then, really, I am looking to help people connect with their stories. So many people don’t know how to tell their stories very well.
My background is acting so if I combined it all together we are going on over 20 years of both business and theater and acting training. I really have a passion for using both to help people create more income. So it’s just been amazing and really if you’ve ever thought, “Man, I want to start an online business, I need a side hustle I am going to create some more income,” things like these events are great places.
People that come here and aren’t sure exactly what they want to do or how they want to make money and they met somebody else to go, “Okay, well I am listening to this, I know the audience I want to serve, and then you get you connected.” I mean look at all these people here, there is probably a thousand people here.
There are really a thousand people here that I am making connections with people in and outside my industry that I know I am going to do partnerships or things with. Sean who just was on stage, I got interviewed by him last week about how I am using video and network marketing. And then I think I am also going to be on his YouTube channel coming up soon so make sure that you subscribe to both of our YouTube channels.
It’s just so vital to invest in your skillset guys to continue to grow and people are going to use time and money to as an excuse, but both of those are just excuses. It’s really about the value that you can do.
So thank you guys for jumping on.
If you have any other questions about online video, if you have questions about how to create extra income online. If you are trying to create an online fitness business, not just fitness, whatever kind of online business or if you don’t know and you are like, “Okay, Jimmy. I know my story, but I don’t think it would impact people.” Let me know that because I want to know what it is that you are stuck on and how I can unstick you, if that’s a technical term as well.
The lights are crazy in here, I feel like I should be drinking or doing shots.
So it’s been really cool. I don’t know if we have any other guest this afternoon. I think Chalene is coming back over here with VIP reception tonight. We get to hang out with Chalene and Bret.
It’s just that it’s been really, really cool. So I hope that you have been enjoying this. Please follow me on Snapchat as well because on Snapchat. I am really showing kind of throughout all day long. So I highly recommend Marketing Impact Academy. I really highly recommend following Chalene Johnson. If you are really interested in building a business or having an impact in the online space and online market, make it happen. There is Dr. McKayla I will talk more about her later.
Alright, bye.
Marketing Impact Academy Business Building Tips
Good morning! Coach Jimmy here. Thank you for popping in. In today’s video I am going to be talking about the fact that I am in Anaheim, California at Chalene Johnson’s Marketing Impact Academy. So I think a lot of people have been following me over on Snapchat, if you’re not make sure you go over there I am JimmyHaysNelson there. And it’s like, “What is this event that you’re at? There’s lights and music and dancing, is this really a business building thing?”
I will tell you absolutely it is. Actually this is my third year to plug into Chalene’s Marketing Impact Academy and really, so much of what I do online as an online marketer, I have learned from Chalene Johnson. She really is the savviest business person I know and what I love is she is a fantastic teacher and so willing to share her answers. So it’s been pretty, pretty amazing.
Day one, what I love about Marketing Impact Academy is that it’s not the same event every year. In fact, even the modules and the online course, she continues to upgrade and one of the big emphasis this year, so far, and I think it will be today is exactly what I am doing right now, The importance of going live.
So if you know somebody that is trying to build a business online and wants to know how to use live video a little better, I encourage you to tag them right now, share this video over on their timeline, or share this video on your timeline and tell people that you have watched it. I really do appreciate that.
Chalene got up there and I love the fact this she is willing…I consider myself a professional story crafter in helping business people tell better stories. She opened up with such a great story about the first time she ever crossed country skied and how she was already an accomplished snowboarder and so she assumed that cross country skiing was going to way easier and because they looked similar, you wear similar gear, that she thought she could jump in with no coaching and just go.
And she talked about how it was just a colossal failure.
Really compare that to what we do as…technology is always a moving target and as soon as we master something, something changes. Sometimes we do that in business where something looks similar and so we just jump in even though somebody else might be offering that has gone ahead of us, figure out the kinks, and she would compare that to things like Live video. How Facebook ads really are in the middle of changing right now after so many of us have used those.
She did such a great job. She did a great job of breaking down and making us go through an exercise to determine which social media platforms are best for what we are trying to do. It wasn’t Chalene coming in and going, “This is why I love this and this is why I don’t love this.”
She showed us her list and why, but I love the fact that she is like, “Hey, you got to decide for you.” And that her demographic may be hanging out here on Facebook. Somebody with a younger demographic, maybe they are using Snapchat to build an audience or a different way on Youtube of targeting things. So we really had to go through and rank things. She asked questions like, “Okay, which of these is going to allow you to be discovered better? Which of you is it going to be? Where is your demographic?”
And the other thing I really love about the Marketing Impact Academy events, really more than any other events that I have ever attended, is that she gives you time to do the work at the event.
How many times have you gone to a business event or something and you are there all day long taking notes and stuff and you get home, and you have to jump back into real life immediately and you never get a chance to implement so you are already overwhelmed or you come out of an event and you have a notebook full of notes and you just really not sure where to start.
So the fact that she builds into the schedule of the day, “Hey, okay. Take out your notepad.” She talked about making videos, showed us her entire batching process of how she makes content and how she can take one 20 minute video and shows the entire process of all the things that become and it lets her stay in her lane.
The other thing she is really big about is finding a team, virtual assistants, she has an entire different Academy called Virtual Business Academy (VBA), and she teaches you how to find help online even if you have next to no budget.
And she showed us the big picture first, she is like, “Here is what my team does,” which seems really big and she is like, “Okay, but maybe you don’t have a team of 6 virtual assistants to help you. Let’s scale this down. What could you do and then how can I help you find one person on a very limited budget that’s going to help you get some more of this content out?”
So it’s so great, we also heard from Winn Claybaugh. That dude is a trip man. He is the head of the Paul Mitchell Hair School, he also wrote the book, “Be Nice or Else.” And he really came in and in one sense, it was a very traditional motivational speech, but on the other side he really showed us some of the principles for his employees.
He shared some really cool stories with us just about his industry. I mean that dude, you are talking about firey dude with passion, and that’s one of the thing. One of his employee’s thing, he is like, “Dude, be passionate. Show up every day to work.” That’s one of their rules that you got to show up passionate and if you are not feeling it that day, fake it so everybody else around you that’s really plugged in and doing it isn’t affected by your shitty mood. Which I thought was pretty amazing as well.
Towards the end of the day, this was pretty cool this cat name Jesse Doubek, looking up here on Facebook, helping with Facebook traffic, and I think that’s something a lot of us have gotten frustrated with. Facebook traffic has become harder, specifically organic Facebook traffic has become harder to come by for a lot of us. That really Facebook is a pay to play to platform and it’s not that this guy showed us ways to get things done with no budget, you’re still going to invest, but he and his team help Brendon Burchard’s fan page get over 4 million likes and he was showing how he built his own fan page from like 76 likes to over 200,000 in 90 days. I mean crazy stuff like that.
So I purchased his Academy and I am looking to jump into that. He had some really great tips for people even if they didn’t purchase the Academy. I really do feel there were things in that talk that Jesse talked about. In fact, somebody tag Jesse on this and let him know that I give him a big thumbs up and a shout out…to Jesse Doubek, that should be his professional page.
But I was really impressed and I’m anxious to jump in and learn a little bit more because for me, I will be honest Facebook hasn’t been, I have been frustrated with Facebook. So a lot of times when I am frustrated with something I gave it the finger and have moved on some other places.
The other thing I am making a new commitment to being on here more often, I know for those of you that tuned in on the regular that I am so thankful for. When I was up doing it at 9am central every morning, which is what I am kind of probably around about this time right now. And then the Kajabi guys came up at the end and for those of you that aren’t familiar with Kajabi. Kajabi is a platform that allows you to create online courses.
So if I want to create an online course teaching people whatever, you can really teach a course on anything, that’s a place where you could house that course. So let’s say if you go through Chalene’s Marketing Impact Academy, you are actually going into when you log in and stuff, that platform that she built that in is Kajabi.
So far, amazing event, we have 2 more days. The other thing Chalene likes to do is not tell us who the special guests are or what the topics are. So sometimes you come to these events on a little blind faith but I will look at it this way, I have been working with Chalene for a while now and she has never never disappointed me. She always over delivers. So she has earned my trust in that capacity.
So stay tuned if you are not following me on Snapchat do, I am kind of snapping throughout the day, my username there is JimmyHaysNelson.
If you found some value in this, do me a favor could you click that little boom boom thumbs up button, I really do appreciate that. Leave me a comment and or a question, do that for me because I am going to swing back by through here in a little, so if there is something I said and you are like why is he talking about this or what did she say about that?
Let me know and I am happy to jump back in here before I jump into the session tonight and answer any of those questions. If you’re doing me any more favours, share this on your timeline. I really would appreciate it. I will be back a little bit later. Take care.
Marketing Impact Academy Recap
Hey there! Welcome. Sitting here by the pool, just wrapped up Marketing Impact Academy with Chalene Johnson. My name is Coach Jimmy and thanks for popping by my Facebook page.
Just trying to see if this is live because I don’t see any comments yet, but we’ve been out here in Anaheim, California for the past 3 days with Chalene Johnson’s Marketing Impact Academy, which is an online Academy along with a live event that helps entrepreneurs, people building online businesses, really work more effectively and more efficiently, helps you reach more people, help puts your story together.
It’s been so huge, some amazing speakers. Today we heard from Natalie Jill talk about how PInterest has continue to build her business. And I am still checking to see if this is live because I just don’t see any comments so I want to make sure this is actually working. So I am sitting out by the pool so we will see. So this will probably be a pretty short Facebook Live. I am about to shout couple videos with Sean who is part of Video Influencers. For those of you not following them, make sure that you are. Hello Robin and Robin, good to see you both, thanks for popping in, happy Sunday.
Just an amazing experience. This is the third time I have gone both through Marketing Impact Academy in the online portion and the live event as well and I have met so many amazing people. Met people in different industries that are giving me tips on things that I can do better in my industry. We have learned about the power of video, we have learned about taking some of the mystery out of video, but really if I had to give it my biggest take away, it’s that you have an expertise that is valuable to other people and you are probably taking it for granted right now.
There is something that comes inherently natural to you right now, that you could teach somebody else and you don’t give yourself enough credit for it because it comes easy to you, but that’s your information, your intelligence is valuable, and can really have an impact in the marketplace and with other people. And here comes Sean right now, and we are going to shoot some amazing videos, but there he goes. There’s the man.
So we are talking about content creation which we are doing here. We also talked about the power of live video and how being able to jump on it and do something exactly like this is so powerful and it’s never been easier to connect with new people. It’s never been easier to have a real impact on others’ lives than it is now because of technology just like this that you can jump on and teach somebody something. Whether it’s parenting tips, whether it’s teaching stuff, maybe it’s meal prep, overcoming an eating disorder, or sharing a struggle and giving somebody else encouragement.
So many things that you can talk about and things that you struggled with. How you have come at the other end and that somebody else maybe 2 or 3 steps behind you. You may still feel like, “Well, I have so far to go,” but you may be 2 or 3 steps ahead of somebody else who is just getting started or is in a spot where they don’t know how to improve or how to get out of their depression. “I haven’t figure it all out, but these are the few steps I’ve made along the way.” You really have an impacted on people and Chalene was reminding me that each of our experiences and intelligence is so stinking valuable and most people just don’t realize that because they are just way too close to it themselves.
So I just want to pop up here and just encourage you to continue to share your story, continue to reach out. I know it can be scary to like jump on a Facebook live or Periscope or making a video or that post, but I am encourage you to get out and all those people that you think that are going to judge you aren’t.
In fact you’re going to impact so many more people that are just waiting for somebody to share your story and to let them know it’s okay and that you’ve made mistakes and that you are moving forward. Quit waiting until you figure it all out. Quit waiting until you’ve cross the finish line or you consider yourself an expert because there is no finish line and we are all work in progress all the time and there are go to be people that encourage you along the way and there are going to be people that judge you along the way, but know that the people that encourage you are going to far outweigh that.
So love you, I appreciate you, if this is something that even the short little message it was helpful to you, do me a favor just share it on your timeline. Tag some people that need to hear this today and make it a great Sunday. Take care.