Busy is a drug in our world. It makes us feel important & significant. I’m so thankful that Bret Johnson & Chalene Johnson shared their Smart Success tips so freely. This used to be me, but most people won’t tell you that you can be crazy productive without the 24/7 busyness.
Hustle has become sexy, but most people won’t show you the downside of it, the broken relationships, the failing health, etc.
“There is nothing magical about me. I do not have particularly high aptitudes or abilities, and it’s not always been like this. Not even close.” – Isaac Morehouse
Is it really worth it? What if you could get the same amount done or more and still have time to read that book you have been wanting to, or spend the entire weekend with your kids, or go on a vacation.
Read this article: https://medium.com/on-breaking-the-mold/how-i-learned-to-get-a-lot-done-without-being-busy-7989f7b300de
This article explains how you can be crazy productive without being busy every second of every day. You can get everything you need to get done and still have that much needed personal time to yourself, or that quality time for your kids.
In the world today, here are a few habits or ways of thinking that can help:
Be honest
Do you actually enjoy being busy? If you do, that’s great! Some people are wired that way and if you are honestly enjoying the rush of everyday busyness, keep it up!
You don’t have to be better than everyone else all the time.
If you are like me, you are super competitive. You want to be the best at everything you do all the time. That is a great mindset, but sometimes it isn’t possible. There will be people better than you at certain things. Learn to accept this and use their abilities to further both of your careers or personal goals.
Never do things you don’t like.
Many people take pride in mowing their own lawn, Do-it-yourself projects around the house, etc. But if you don’t actually enjoy these activities, outsource them! Imagine all the time you would be saving if you shaved a few hours off each week by taking your business attire to the cleaners, having someone else mow your lawn, calling a plumber, etc. Most of these things can be accomplished without spending very much money at all, and can save you precious time needed for other daily activities.