Is completely changing your life “worth it”?
If you’ve sat here and you feel really motivated or “I wish…”, but you still say “Jimmy, I don’t know if I can do this. I got so much doubt. It seem so big. You don’t know where I’ve been. You don’t know my story. It’s just too hard.”
I’m going to tell you this.
Yes, it’s hard.
I’m not going to beat around the bush. I took too much time in my career trying to tell people, “Oh no, this isn’t hard. Oh, it’s easy. Blah blah blah,” and I wondered why I had a really lazy organization.
Because that’s what I sold them.
But if you’re just like, “I don’t know if it’s worth it.”
That’s what I hear all the time.
“Is it worth it? Are the programs worth it? Is the business worth it? Is Shakeology worth it?”
For those of you who have kids, think of your kid right now or your loved ones or that family member that’s struggling and if your answer is, “It’s too tough,” I want you to go to that family member and look them in the eye and say, “I was sitting on something that could change your life. Where you would never have to worry about your finances again, but it was too hard and you weren’t worth the effort.”
I can’t do that to mine. Nine years in, I’m showing up every day. Good days, bad days, keep rolling.
Thank you Philly, you guys rock.