Try Something New to Change Your Perspective & Keep Growing
Alright, Facebook. It’s been a minute. I’ve been lazy with my live streams and I’m correcting that. I’m going to have a little extra time. I’m actually going to be doing some more highly produced stuff.
We just had the event and life stuff, it just happens. I got out of my routine. So those of you, I’ve been getting messages like, “Jimmy, we miss your morning rants. We miss your morning live streams.” Thank you for the messages and thank you for reminding me that they help and they give value because sometimes you never know.
You show up and you kind of do your thing and you don’t know if you’re really having an impact so those of you that have been sending me emails and messages and hitting me up on Twitter or on Snapchat…what’s up Robin? Hey Bradley. Michael Passion, good job running. I just sent you a Snap. We need to chat homeboy.
So, yeah, I got a run in this afternoon. Those of you that have followed me for any given amount of time know that yes, I love fitness and no, I hate running, but I am in the midst of doing a bit of a summer lean down so I’ve been lifting in the mornings and trying to get in some cardio 3 or 4 times a week.
While I don’t enjoy running and I don’t feel like I’m very good at it as far as my pace and my time, what I do like is getting outside because I work from home so I’m literally in my house literally damn near all day. I live in Dallas, TX and it’s flipping gorgeous. I mean, it’s hot, but it’s nice out. It’s not too brutal today. It’s about 93 which for Dallas in Texas, a’int bad.
I used to teach an Insanity class outside at night and one time while I was teaching class it was like 101. I probably should have canceled class that day just for safety sake.
It just reminds me about, even before I came out to do this, I was supposed to go to a networking lunch, get dressed up, go hobnob with some other big business owners here in Dallas, and the schedule didn’t work out this morning and I was really frustrated about it. So I just wasn’t in…like I sat back down in my office in a pissed off state, I tried to get some creative work done, but instead, I decided to come out here and do this first and it’s amazing just how much a sweat can adjust your peace of mind so quickly.
Even a sweat of something that you don’t feel like you’re very good at. Like for me with running. It’d have been one thing to go lift weights or do an Insanity workout or something that I’m a little more adept to, but I do like the area.
So think about that. Life is made up of doing little things that we don’t want to do for the greater good. My job as a business coach for people, I have to pour into other people. You know, yesterday, I was on calls all day long and if I don’t take care of me, how in the world am I going to be…I’m crossing the street so I’m trying not to die. How am I going to be my best version of me to pour into other people if I don’t take time like this to challenge myself to step up?
In fact, I’m going to post a video, it’s on my YouTube right now, but I’ll post it here to Facebook as soon as I get back home talking about giving people permission to push you. Specifically if you’ve had some level of success. It’s real easy to have some level of success, grow complacent, and no longer think that you’re above being pushed out of your comfort so. “Well, I’m the Coach. I’m the manager. I’m the boss. I’m the whatever.”
It’s my turn to do that for other people and I find that I am a better Coach, boss, whatever when I remember what it feels like to be pushed or managed or given tasks. It keeps me…it helps me remember. If all you’re ever in is in the telling people what to do mode, you probably become a real shitty leader because you no longer have empathy for people and you just become a taskmaster. I have in the past.
So, that’s basically the message I want to get across is invest in you, push yourself, get out of your comfort zone, do something that stretches you a little bit, and it’ll change your mindset. Specifically if you’re feeling sorry for yourself or you’re having a shitty day. Go…and I’m going to go back to fitness, but if you do something that’s physically taxing, I think it changes your perspective on things.