Keep Getting Better by Letting Others Challenge You
So the lesson here isn’t to watch a cool fitness video and be inspired. It’s about other areas of your life that you allow people to push you.
Look, I coach people, but I stay coachable. Tracy pushes me out of my comfort zone every morning. Same thing for my business, relationships, my spiritual walk.
You’ve got to stay coachable. The problem with success is a little bit. People have a little bit of success and they stop being coachable, they stop learning, they plateau, and then they start going to other direction.
I keep getting better because I allow people to challenge me to get better. I didn’t want to do any of that this morning so I get people to push me out of my comfort zone. I am better today, in all areas of life, than I was an hour ago because I let somebody else push me so you got to stay coachable. Fitness, business, relationships, spiritual.
Allow other people to coach you, to push you so you can get better. I have a big business, I’m a fitness guy that’s already lost 100 lbs so it would be really easy for me to go, “Nobody can teach me anything, I’m here to coach other people.” I do coach other people and I’m better for those people because I allow other people to coach me.
The thing that bugs me is that there are all these entrepreneurs out there talking about how sexy hustle is and they’re building their business and stuff and they’re letting their health and their fitness go to shit.
If you’re a real entrepreneur, you’re taking care of this first. This is going to help your business. Don’t tell me you’re too busy to take care of your health, your fitness, your body, to build your business. What’s the point of building that portfolio, what’s the point of making all that money if your health is going to shit, if you’re not there to share it with those people that you love?
That’s just a lie. That’s just an excuse that you’re hiding behind laziness under the umbrella of hustle and fake entrepreneurship. It’s all encompassing.