Success Begins With Gratitude
Back when I was in and out of college and working multiple jobs just to scrape by, I had a terrible victim mentality. I always complained about how tough my life was, that everyone had it easier than me, and that it was always someone else’s fault for my lack of success and my situation.
This vitriolic mindset carried on until it ground me into being constantly stressed and depressed because I kept comparing my lows to other people’s highs. It was a vicious cycle.
It wasn’t until I took stock of what I had and sought out things to be grateful for that my mindset, and my motivation, began to change. I began to understand that I’m not a failure because I don’t have this one thing that some random person I passed on the street has.
You may not be where you want to be, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be there tomorrow, next week, or next month. Don’t let your starting position keep you from starting the race.
The Opportunities are Out There Waiting For You
When I’m at speaking engagements or just socializing with people I meet on a daily basis, I keep hearing how people want to make more money or how they’re not happy about their current job…and they’re not doing anything about it. They’re in a dead end job, they’re not fulfilled with what they’re doing, they want to move into a better home, etc., but they’ve erected some excuse on why they can’t achieve their goal.
The job market’s stale. My skills are only relevant to my current job. I don’t have any prospects. I have to go back to school.
This picture is a breakdown of the bonuses paid out in my business this last week. These are actual numbers that are the fruit of my 8 years of work building my home business.
This opportunity is ready and waiting year round! Anyone can take the first step and start today.
All It Takes is Hard Work & Patience
Does everyone earn this? Will you get this right away? Hell no! I earned this by putting in the work day in and day out over the course of 8 years. On the days that I was coming down with a cold, work. On the days that I wasn’t really feeling my workout, work. On the days where I would rather watch Netflix, work. There’s no secret. There’s no get rich quick scheme. I was just too stubborn to quit.
The great thing about all this is that these payouts are available to everyone, as long as they put in the work. You don’t need to get a certain degree from the right school and have an inside connection to get the job. You don’t have to play office politics to get the big promotion that’ll solve all your money woes. All you have to do is be motivated and willing to put in the work. That’s it!
I can guarantee you one thing though. If you put off the work or don’t get started, you’ll never get the opportunity to make money like this and have the ultimate freedom to live a life of your choosing. If you want it, you have to go out there and get it.