An audience, whether it be your social media, group of friends, or actual people in seats, is smart. They’re going to determine if they like or trust you based on these two things:
Enter: slimy car salesman. You know when they are just trying to get you to buy and only care about the sale. Your guard is UP and your trust is very low in what they have to offer. You don’t feel like they have your best interest at heart.
On the flip-side, by sharing some of your experience and teaching your audience something of value, their guard goes down. You get vulnerable by sharing your story and adversity, and how you over came it-and because of that they trust you.
Not only will your audience TRUST you more, they will remember you. You will stick out. By sharing a pro-tip paired with a story, the next time they encounter the topic you’re an expert on, they will think of YOU!