In this video, a lawyer, an actor, and a S.W.A.T team leader sat down in the Tuscany region of Italy to discuss their careers, fears, challenges and ultimate success as Team Beachbody Coaches while holding down full time careers.
“I knew if it was up to me to succeed, I would do it, and I did it.” – Chris Reed
Chris Reed
Chris Reed was the team lead for his S.W.A.T team and was one of those guys that was out of shape and full of excuses. After first being skeptical, He started working out with P90X and guess what? It worked! At the same time that his friends were noticing the differences in Chris, he found out about the business side of Beachbody, but was SUPER skeptical. He finally realized it was up to him to succeed and put in the work. He is now able to provide for his family by running his own business and at the same time take time off for places like Italy!
“This is like the School of Hard Knocks, you kind of have to go through it all and learn these new skills where you have the confidence to use those skills and succeed with your business” – Dave Ward
Dave Ward
Dave was in his seventh year of law practice when he was given an opportunity to try Beachbody. He immediately knew this was what he wanted to do. It was fun, and he loved how many people he was able to help with their fitness and other personal goals. He realized with his current career as a lawyer, he would spend the next 20 years pushing paperwork and making money for other people. A few years after starting his own business with Beachbody, Dave was able to retire from his law practice and work full time helping people and creating the business that he has today.
“I had to humble myself enough to learn a new skill set” – Coach Jimmy
Coach Jimmy
Coach Jimmy, aka Jimmy Hays Nelson, was overweight from early childhood throughout his life until his second year of college. After quitting college for the 2nd time, and moving from Dallas to New York and being in and out of work, he found the Beachbody community where he finally truly felt accepted for who he was and not having to play a “role” to be accepted. Initially he didn’t join this community for the business part of it, but soon realized he could support himself and his family by inspiring and helping others reach their goals. He is now one of the top selling diamond coaches for Beachbody and travels the world motivating others to reach their potential.
Watch the video above to learn more about the “three musketeers”!