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Learn how to break your bad, unhealthy habits with my healthy living guide!

The Rock’s Morning Routine and Why It WORKS
Hey entrepreneurs. I’m gonna give you the number one productivity hat that I use every day and guess who else does it? Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and he gets things done. The key piece to being more productive every day […]
Stop Blaming Others And Start Taking Action
Failure will always be part of our life, but that’s where we get our lessons from. Like they say “experience is the best teacher,” and my experiences can teach us how to get over our failures and start living our […]
She Injected What Into My Butt? Are Vitamin Injections Going To Be Part of My Morning Routine?
Being in the fitness industry for over a decade has taught me so many things, and one of the most important things I’ve learned is that you need to be willing to experiment. In this post, I’ll quickly walk you […]
The Power of Visualization With Undefeated Boxer Mike Lee
Mike Lee, a world-renowned boxer with an incredible track record shares with us his struggles in the early days of a boxing career, to make a stunning discovery on the power of visualization to putting up a business that’s very […]
The Morning of Race Day
The morning of my 1/2 marathon… I’m thinking this is just like a training day except with big crowds. I show up to training day with no crowds! See? I’m ready. I’m getting out of my comfort zone for ME. […]
My Number One Secret to Productivity
Click here to watch my Facebook Live about Productivity! I used to be 100 pounds overweight, a three time college drop out, failed barista, failed bartender, and failed other things, too! But I lost 100 pounds, kept it off for […]
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“I was a skeptic. Thanks to Coach Jimmy’s leadership 1.5 years later, I earn twice the income of my previous full time job, we lost 150 lbs as a couple, and helping hundreds of plus size women. Fitness has become our family’s life bringing us closer together!„
- Tulin E.
not getting the results you want?
Have you hit a plateau? Are you putting in the work, but the weight just isn't coming off? I know that feeling. I've been there. Losing 100 lbs, and keeping it off, is still one of the toughest things I've ever done in my entire life; but it was also the smartest thing I've done. To help you get the results you're looking for, I put all of the knowledge I gained during my weight loss journey into the guides below. If you've hit a wall or just want to know more, you need to check them out!
Live a healthier life
Do you want to be healthier? Are you looking to break bad habits? Are you ready to make this change, but you don’t know where to start? Check out this guide for everything you need to know about living a healthier life!
Have a few pounds to lose? Want to get in shape for summer? Just want to be healthier? Beachbody is the premier, at-home workout that's blazing across the nation and can help you get the body you've always dreamed of!