There’s nothing that gets me more fired up and motivated than meeting new people that have great stories about their overcoming adversity to achieve something amazing. Sometimes the story is heartbreaking, but there’s always a silver lining. They show just how truly indomitable the human spirit is and that anything is possible. The fire in their messages is truly exciting. It’s infectious.
Finding these people and helping them make their dreams a reality is what I live for. What we achieve as a team transcends health and fitness, we’re able to deliver hope to a world in desperate need of a light at the end of the tunnel.
However, these same people are prone to falling off the face of the earth for weeks, months, and sometimes years at a time and more often than not I hear back, “I don’t know if I will be successful…” You know what? Neither do I! Nothing is certain and nothing worth having comes easily! But here’s the bottom line, if you let that fear rule you, you might as well just lock yourself in your home because everything you do is risky. Driving a car. Hopping on a flight across the country. Eating food made by a stranger. Crossing the street. Don’t give up on your dreams because of a bit of fear when you tempt fate and risk everything by simply being?
Now, the picture up top isn’t just a bunch of random actors and models from some stock photo website. They’re actual people going through my newbie mentorship program and I am so flipping proud of this group of amazing people! These doers have chosen to not let their lives be ruled by fear over a negative “what if”. They subscribe to the “what if it works?” and “What if this is exactly what I’m looking for?”
These are the people I will give my time to every day of the week. They’re the ones I’ll fight tooth and nail to help them lead the lives they’ve told me they want because I lift up and motivate doers since they are so much more rare than talkers.