The Day I Quit
What’s up! Coach Jimmy here with a good squats report AKA I am in the INSANITY MAX 30 test group we are in day 15 and I have a confession, day 15 was the day I quit, I am not proud of this but it is what it is and I’m supposed to be vulnerable to let you know what’s going on. It’s a Monday and I’m still down in new Orleans, but I’d let you know that the last three days I have been down here hosting, spoiling, having a blast on a leadership retreat for my team of beach body coaches.
Start MAXing Out Today! Let’s Do It!
We have an incentive trip for our leaders who can earn an amazing trip to New Orleans where we show them the city and we show them great time and its training and learning and we bring in top industry minds to come in and train them, to help them with their business and I have been facilitating a group of about 20 people for the last 3 days teaching and pouring all my heart and soul into these people. I got my work-outs in on Friday, we actually did a group work out on Saturday morning, Sunday took the day off, but that’s emotionally draining you know. So I woke up today – probably lack of sleep, lack of water hydration and I really was not looking forward to this workout today and I went in and I did it anyway, but today is the first day that I quit.
Why I Quit
I quit before the workout was done, and it’s kind of frustrating out here talking to and looking at my DVD 20 minutes in and I just didn’t have anything else in my tank, my form was going south. So, I the executive decision to stop right there that I maxed out, I gave my best today, my max out time was 8 minutes and 44 seconds which for this particular workout is pretty low compared to what I have done in the last two weeks.
But what I am thankful for now is that I am in a support group right now I am in this test group right now and I am going to encourage you – to those who are considering to do this program is make sure you are in support group or in a challenge group, because you are going to have days like this and you have one or two choices on the days – you quit or you fall off the wagon and you are disappointed in yourself. The easiest thing to do is to think that “I have to start all over” or “I messed up today” or throwing in the towel, or you just let one bad day turn into two bad days, then it becomes a week and all of sudden you’ve invested in this program and you gave up on yourself.
Start MAXing Out Today! Let’s Do It!
If you were in support group or in challenge group there is gonna be a group of people, that I know when I post this video in my group that they’re going to rally around me and tell me to get back up and dust myself off and kill it tomorrow, there is not lot of judgment in there, but you know they will pat you on the back when they need too and they kick you in the pants when you need to and you know I am really thankful for that group because they are going to get the most out of me.
“A little bit of something is a whole lot better than nothing.” – Coach Jimmy
Find a Support Group
So don’t go into this program by yourself, don’t let your pride get best of you; team up with people, find a good coach which will take you through. If you don’t have good coach, I would love to be that person for you because I have my good days and bad days. I am not perfect, but then again nobody else is either. We will encourage each other as we go through this program to get best results so I’m just keeping it real with you guys, today wasn’t a day to write home about but you know what? A little bit of something is a whole lot better than nothing.
So don’t go into this program by yourself, don’t let your pride get the best of you; team up with people – Coach Jimmy
I gave it 20 minutes of my best today and I am going to come back tomorrow and finish tomorrows work. I am going to get right back up because there is no time to feel guilty right? There is no time to feel sorry about myself. I can use that energy and waste it on feeling sorry for myself, feeling guilty or feeling bad. Instead, I can use that exact same energy to pick myself back up, throw my shoulders back and say “I am killing it tomorrow” and know that I am going to get good rest tonight and load up my water, then come in here and knock it out tomorrow.
So INSANITY MAX 30, this is my check in Coach Jimmy with the good squats report and I am gonna see you tomorrow and I am gonna have very different message. Take Care!