Hello there, my name is Coach Jimmy aka Jimmy Hays Nelson. And I am about to embark on something that I am very excited about and pretty nervous about to be really honest with you. If you will see here on my hoodie. This is Day one of me being part of a beach body coach test group to go do Shaun T’s new INSANITY MAX 30 program. Which you may or may not already know, is I actually had the privilege of being an original cast member of the original INSANITY DVD and now six years later, to do the next round where Shaun has taken these workouts and crammed them into 30 minutes. I am excited; I am nervous; I am ready to dig deep, and I am ready to max out.
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INSANITY MAX 30 Support Group Yes! I want in!
I am going to encourage you to follow me along on my journey as I go through the next 60 days doing the workouts as hard as I can trying to max out and you will learn more about what that means as you follow me. Follow your nutrition plan to a T and going all in with this for the next 60 days, over the holiday period. Because I want to put myself through this as a guinea pig, therefore, I can be your coach. I can coach you through this program. So if I can get the best results out of me, then I know I get the best results for you.
“If I can get the best results out of me, then I know I can get the best results out of you.” – Jimmy
Day 1:
What the hell Shaun T? Hey, Jimmy here aka Coach Jimmy aka good squats from the original INSANITY DVDs, but this. This is different worldly man, I just did my first workout. What I noticed about this thing, I started feeling really good man, I got this maybe I will be able to get through this whole thing. Keeping up with the cast members there, great looking cast, they are doing a good job. Maybe if I can push myself faster than them, then that is what I am going to do. And I get a little bit cocky, and the next thing I know I hit this wall. What I notice about the max out, if you really go hard, and every time I wanted to quit, I didn’t want to write that number down, and I pushed through.
Here is the part that I have to get better at, is after you take that first break, it is a lot easier to take that second, third, fourth, and in my case, six extra breaks. Seriously Nelson, I have got to get better at that. I am scared, but I am excited. When something pushes you out of your comfort zone, like INSANITY MAX 30 does, you know special things are going to happen in your life. Because cool things happen outside our comfort zones.
Day 2:
INSANITY MAX 30. I am not going lie. Give me a second, I literally just pushed stop. And I am a little emotional right now, and I feel stupid saying this but I am just going share. That burn out in the end, those power jumps, man I took more breaks than I wanted to today. But I did not stop during that last minute. Something about the way Shaun talks to you in these videos, get you to do more than you think and that is what I love about this program so far and that is what I love about working with Shaun specifically is that sometimes in your life you need somebody that believes in you in that moment more than you believe in yourself.
Day 3:
Coach Jimmy here, and we are about to hit day 3 of INSANITY MAX 30 sweat intervals. I need a little more motivation today; it is really gloomy here in Dallas, Texas. Doing this in the afternoon, but what did I pull out, I pulled out the exact T-Shirt that I wore while when filming the original INSANITY DVDs. Why am I doing this beforehand? Because I wanted you to see how this shirt is going to change colors by the time I am done with this thing.
“I take pride in my squats, but man at that point I had to take a break. ” – Jimmy
Like I told you, this shirt started pretty dry, it was this nice color right here. We are done. This thing is serious and so being in this test group with other beach body coaches and Shaun T being in there. He really challenged us, that the goal of this thing isn’t is to see how far you can get before you max out. The goal isn’t a big number; it’s literally go for it from the beginning. And go as hard as you can, and really you want to max out as fast as possible. Which means, you know that you are just going as hard as you can and that was the case today. 740 was my max out number, a move I was doing was like a squat right lunge situation that was crazy. I take pride in my squats, but man at that point I had to take a break.
Week 2:
INSANITY MAX 30, start of week two today. So I was challenged in the group that we are in with a bunch of other top beach body coaches and with Shaun T to really go for it from the very beginning. That I realized last week on day one that my max out time was 14 minutes. And that did not seem right to me to be able to get that far into it. So I really went for it from the very beginning, and I went faster in than the cast in the warm-up, and I treated this as a sprint and maxed out at seven minutes and two seconds today. In the squat L kicks. But I felt good about it, I wasn’t discouraged because of my time because I know that I couldn’t go any harder in those seven minutes.
In fact, in those seven minutes there were probably two or three times that I pushed through when my brain wanted to stop. So I took the challenge to try to max out as fast as I can. And I know that by doing that, this time will be longer. Because I am not pacing myself to get to that fourteen minute mark. I really am like sprinting, as you know, they always say run like you stole something. To really come out of the gates, really fast. So I did that.
My Job to Coach
So we will see if this works. One thing I did like about working with the sunlight coming in and working in front of a mirror and the gym. Is I can see more of the definition in my torso than I think I do on a normal basis. But if you look, see if this works. See right there, wow! That actually looks pretty stinking good right there. But there is this hang over right, it is just kind of flimsy, it is there. You can kind of see it that way. And to a lot of people, man that is no big deal. But to me it is a big deal. You know when I sit like this, my eyes just go to this and the fact that I can grab handfuls here. It really drives me kind of nuts for somebody that considers themselves a fitness professional. This is the job that they do, but you know what is funny, just sitting here and getting in place to see the light through the window. It is like, oh I do have a strong core, those muscles are there. And you know I may get to the end of this, and that may not go away.
Maybe it is just a reminder from where I can from. And the work I have done that way I can help others. So maybe I get rid of this thing, or maybe I don’t. Either way, I still win. Because I give it my best. I know I am not defined by my midsection. My midsection doesn’t define that I am a healthy fit person. It just on a six pack, and I am learning these things and thinking these things as I share them with you.
So bare with me, follow me these next sixty days, let’s see what other lessons I can learn in the middle of talking to you guys as well. Thanks for tolerating me, thanks to those who are routing me on right now. I am going to give this my best for you guys and for me and let’s learn some lessons together. This is Coach Jimmy with the good squats report; I am out.
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I Want to Coach you through Insanity Max 30 Yes! I want in!