Don’t Let One Bad Day Turn Into a Bad Year
by Jimmy Hays Nelson, Beachbody Elite Coach
by Jimmy Hays Nelson, Beachbody Elite Coach
After a long, hot summer, it’s finally my favorite time of year again- Fall. Some love it because of the break in the heat; others because it’s back to school time for the kids. For me, it’s my favorite for one reason…
Last night my favorite team, the Dallas Cowboys, kicked off the season with a thrilling game versus the New York Jets. I was most excited because this would be the first Cowboys game I would be watching as a Dad with my 7-month-old son, Asher. Both decked out in our jerseys we settled onto the couch for what would be a 3 ½ hour emotional roller coaster!
As we watched the game, I was reminded of what a mysterious mistress momentum can be. My Cowboys got on a roll, momentum definitely on their side. The feeling grew that they were about to take over the game and put it away for good. Then – BAM – the Jets made a play and immediately the momentum that took so much effort to create vanished instantly. It was a deflating feeling to go from the elation of a certain victory to the cold reality of a demoralizing loss.
I immediately thought of the parallels between my feelings during the game and many of the statements I hear from the people I work with everyday.
“I just got off track, I need to refocus and hit it hard to get back in groove.”
“I had a great start. Then I missed a couple days & didn’t want to start over.”
“If I could just find the motivation, I would get back into my routine.”
Do any of these quotes sound familiar? Working with my clients and people on my Crew, I hear this all the time. Story after story about how early excitement and motivation got thwarted by some outside variable: injury, vacation, birthday dinner, kids …. The list goes on.
I tried to put myself in the mindset of the Jets during the game, when momentum was not on their side. At times, it seemed like no matter what they tried, the Cowboys could move the ball up and down the field at will. But they didn’t give up. After a frustrating series, they were on the sidelines encouraging each other, reviewing techniques with the coaching staff, learning from their mistakes, and making a game plan on the adjustments to make the next time they got on the field.
What an amazing life lesson for us!
You may be on week three of your current health/fitness regimen, feeling great about life, momentum is most certainly on your side. Then a hiccup happens and your momentum is lost. A bad day turns into a bad weekend, month, year …. Then you look up and you don’t even recognize the person staring back at you in the mirror! So how do you prevent that? By staying engaged and surrounding yourself with teammates and coaches, you set yourself up for success!!
Maybe that is a weekly fit club, working with a coach like me or staying active in an online community like a message board or Facebook group that is there to be your backslide blocker!
Adversity hits the best of us! No one stays motivated 365 days a year. Who we surround ourselves with is imperative to success. Like the old adage says, “it’s not how many times you fall down, it’s how many times you get up,” it is much easier to get back up when teammates, coaches, and fans are cheering you on. So start assembling your winning team today!
Jimmy Hays Nelson Beachbody Coach is a self-proclaimed ‘former fat guy’. In his mid 20’s he was an overweight college dropout, who found himself living back at home with his parents. Knowing something had to change, he took action.
Through his transformation journey he lost 100 pounds, started his own business, was featured in the Shaun T workout series INSANITY, and has been seen multiple times on QVC with his buddy Tony Horton promoting P90X.
He founded NELSONGY FITNESS with his wife Kelly to reach out to give hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally we are here to help you see REAL RESULTS!