I get asked all the time when I’m at conferences or speaking engagements, “Wow…I want what you have. How can I get it? How’d you get so lucky?” It’s incredibly simple. So simple that anyone can do it. I show up and never quit.
You Should Make Monday Mornings Your B!7$#
Strap on your helmets boys and girls, it’s time for some tough love. There’s too much complaining about Monday mornings and it needs to stop. Complaining is a waste of time, energy, and is poison to your state of mind. Spewing negativity just because it’s a certain day isn’t going to solve anything. It isn’t going to change your crappy job, your stressful commute, or make that test you have to take go away. It. Does. Nothing.
Self Awareness: Know Yourself
Stop trying to be like your online heroes! Because there are things you naturally do better than any of those people if you will embrace those strengths.
The College Dropout, No Experience Business Plan
by Coach Jimmy Hays Nelson “I would love to go do that, but I don’t have enough vacation days” Has this sentence ever crossed your lips? It’s pretty common for most people. I know it has come up in conversations with me and my wife many times in the early years of our marriage. Vacations, […]