Nothing Worth Having Happens Overnight
I get asked all the time when I’m at conferences or speaking engagements, “Wow…I want what you have. How can I get it? How’d you get so lucky?” It’s incredibly simple. So simple that anyone can do it.
I show up and never quit.
That’s it. That’s my secret to success. I never stopped working.
It’s so easy for us to look at someone that’s achieved success and only see what’s on the surface. Nice car, sharp threads, stylish haircut, nice house. It’s the proverbial American Dream and what motivates most of us. Those people are pretty lucky to have all of that, right? It’s not luck that got them those things. It was hard work and determination.
What you don’t see is where they started. What you don’t see are the countless hours of grinding and hustling behind the scenes that got them to where they are now. You don’t see the years where they were just a regular guy or girl putting in the work to hone the skills they need to create the opportunities to be in the right place at the right time to get everything they’ve been busting their asses for.
Nothing in Life Gets Handed to You
I’m going to use myself as an example to help put this into perspective. Eight years ago, no one knew who I was. No one knew about a kid that would become Coach Jimmy. He didn’t exist yet. Eight years ago, I was 100 pounds overweight, a college dropout working dead end jobs, up to my eyeballs in debt, with no prospects, and going nowhere fast. I was a nobody with nothing.
I’ve gotten to where I am today through eight years of personal development. Eight years of back breaking workouts. Eight years of grinding and hustling to build a seven figure home based business. That didn’t happen overnight. It happened because I wanted it and I was too stubborn to quit.
You Only Truly Fail When You Quit
If you’re working towards a goal, be it building a business, writing a book, training for a marathon, or what have you, and you’re not getting the success you want after a handful of weeks or months, are you going to quit and fail or are you going to get back to work and be ready for the day that the opportunity of a lifetime ends up on knocking on your door?