It’s that time of year again. The time of year between mid November and January 2nd where the cakes, candies, parties, cocktails, and “legit” excuses to splurge on your meal plan seem to come fast and furiously!
As I started to look at my upcoming schedule, it seems like I could ‘justify’ four to five splurges in a week for the next month and a half! Between an actual holiday, a party, or relatives visiting, it can be pretty destructive for those of us trying to eat clean and healthy on a regular basis!
But you know what? THAT’S LIFE! And there may be stretches of time when we all aren’t as consistent as we would like to be with our nutrition and exercise plan! So what do you do when one bad meal becomes a five day buffet of treats…….
My fitness journey of losing 100 pounds and keeping it off started over 10 years ago. I was recently asked, “Was there a moment when you decided ‘That’s it, I’m eating clean the rest of my life’”?
The simple answer is…. NO!!!
If I had a nickel for every time I slipped up, fell off the wagon, or overindulged, I would be a VERY rich man!
So what makes me different than the majority of people who start a healthy living plan, fall off, get frustrated with themselves and give up? My ability to bounce back fast!
See, most people start off their plan well-intentioned, then they hit some road bump (usually brought on by family or friends …. isn’t that helpful?!?!!). Instead of just getting up, dusting themselves off, and getting back to the plan, they waste the time and energy feeling badly about their choices.
Wanna know a secret? It takes the same amount of effort and energy to feel guilty and beat yourself up as it does to bounce back!
One path sends you into a downward spiral that takes four times the energy to be pulled out of; the other path gets you back on the road toward your goals and literally erases the bad mental feelings from that holiday splurge!
This can sometimes be difficult to do on your own. But within a support group, it is much easier to get on track! I have been blessed to surround myself with a supportive community since my weight loss and fitness journey began. I realized very early on that without a support system, I would fall victim to the ‘guilt trap’ as well. So I constantly surround myself with people that have similar goals, who won’t judge me when I fall, and are always there in my time of need.
I encourage you to surround yourself with a support community! You are worth it! The goals you have for yourself depend on it!
Maybe you are in a situation where your family, friends, and co-workers don’t share your goals and desires. I would love to help you plug into your very own support team!
I’m currently putting together Challenge groups. I put people together with others like themselves who are ready to stop wishing for change, and who will actually lock arms with a team and take action. If that is you, I invite you to visit my Challenge Page by CLICKING HERE, and we will take the first action step to reaching your goals…. TOGETHER!