Everyone has unhealthy food cravings. But what do you do when they strike?
Check out my story of how an innocent early morning trip to the grocery store turned into a craving ambush!
1. Stay Hydrated! Many people confuse being dehydrated with being hungry.
2. Have something you are training towards. Cruise, Vacation, Reunion, Wedding, etc – having something to work towards will keep you eating clean.
3. Eat Often! Small meals through the day will help keep you from wanting to splurge! For me having my Shakeology travel packet on hand is a life saver!
4.. Keep consistent sleep cycle. If you are staying up late for no reason, you will be more likely to snack late at night.
5. CHEAT! Yep, you heard me right. Have a cheat meal. I have one once a week. I can eat anything I want. Knowing that is coming on Sunday keeps me eating clean during the week!