by Coach Jimmy Hays Nelson It’s officially the dog days of summer! July is upon us which means family gatherings, pool parties, shorts, and swimsuits. I remember growing up I dreaded summer! I know, what kid dreads summer? No school, vacations, camp – what’s not to love? To me summer represented trying to find excuses […]
The Ultimate 30 Day Get Ripped for Summer Workout By Coach Jimmy Hays Nelson There are plenty of workout programs that promise you will get ripped in 90 days, but let’s face it – sometimes you don’t have 90 days to spare. That last minute wedding, family reunion, or in my case – summer vacation to Vegas! Can […]
Say Anything’s Drummer, Coby Linder, Shares His Fitness Secrets
By Coach Jimmy Hays Nelson The miracle of social media and being involved in the fitness industry has brought a ton of interesting people into my world that I never would have met otherwise. Today’s special guest is the ultimate example of that. Indie rock enthusiasts are very familiar with the “strangely literate and loud” […]
How Doing INSANITY and P90X Workouts Landed Me in the Bahamas
By Coach Jimmy Hays Nelson There are many reasons people are flocking to do America’s #1 in-home workout programs INSANITY and P90X. Most have something to do with shrinking their waistline, building muscle, improving self-esteem, and taking control of their overall health and wellbeing. Most don’t grab a set of DVDs with the thought that […]