Workout Hack to Stay Fit on the Road
Hey, Coach Jimmy here looking pretty disheveled. I just wanted to share a quick tip for those of you that are traveling and you don’t feel like doing your workout. I call it my 10-10-10 workout hack. So I’m traveling and I’m in a small boutique kind of fancy schmancy hotel room here, but it’s relatively small and you know a lot of times I’ll find a gym nearby or something, but there’s nothing nearby so I’m so thankful for stuff like Beachbody On Demand.
I’m going to be honest I didn’t want to workout, but I have a day full of meetings tomorrow and I always know that I’m at my best if I get up and move my body first thing in the morning. And so I went on to Beachbody On Demand and pulled up, I don’t have any equipment and I have very limited space here, and so I did 21 DAY FIX cardio. I’ve never really done the entire 21 DAY FIX plan. No offense Autumn, I think your program looks awesome, but I’ve just never done it.
What you do when you aren’t feeling it
So, I was like, “Let’s give this a try,” and I saw that it was about 30 minutes which is fine, but I wasn’t into it today. So, I’m like, “She has the minute on, minute off so I’m just going to treat this like a HIT workout and do each of these things as hard as I can and just do 10 minutes. 10 minutes of HIT training and I’ll be on my way today.”
I always know that I’m at my best if I get up and move my body first thing in the morning.
I started getting to the end of the 10 minutes and I was like, “I’m kind of done,” and I looked at the clock and I was like, “You know what? Let me do 10 more. I’ll do 10 more and then I’ll shut it down early.” I got to the end of that 10 and then you’re looking at the clock and it just says 10 minutes. I’m ahead of schedule and I’m not going to be late and I’m like, “Come on, Jimmy. Just finish it.”
And so if I just took it 10 minutes at a point and had a little conversation with myself about, “Alright, are you gonna quit or are you going to keep going?” And there was just something about that I could barrel through better than looking at a daunting 30 minute workout. Which really isn’t daunting anyway.
So, those are my tips for the day. I hope you’re doing well. Let me know what your workout was today, even if you didn’t feel like doing it.