Having trouble reaching your goals? Coach Jimmy shares goal setting tips & tricks that helped him build a seven figure home based business & lose 100lbs!
How to Be Better Today Than Yesterday
If you could pick one area of your life right now that you would like to better today than you were yesterday, what would it be? We’re wrapping up a year here so you know it’s that time of year that everybody’s going to make resolutions.
How to Overcome Holiday Depression
For some people, the holidays are a holly jolly time where everything is a winter wonderland made of gumdrops and candy canes. For other people, it can be rough.
How Do You Change Your Life?
Coach Jimmy here and I have a bit of an issue that I want to ask you about today. Every day I get a message in my inbox or via my Facebook page or something like and and it sounds something kind of like this. “Jimmy, I’ve been watching you for a long time. I’ve watched your weight loss, I’ve watched you take off a hundred pounds, completely change your life, and keep it off for over ten years. You know I’ve been watching really consistently and I’m really inspired by you and I’m ready to change my life. I want to get started.”
Excuses or Success? You Can Only Choose One
My buddy, and fellow Beachbody Coach, Chris Balmert absolutely nails it with this video about some real life excuses he’s heard from people on why they can’t get started working towards their goals. At the end of the day, you have to choose whether you’re willing to put in the work to get what you want or you’re okay just giving an excuse. You just have to ask yourself if your future, your dream, is worth an excuse?
Bullying & Fat Shaming
Coach Jimmy shares a private memory of his childhood and his own battle with body image issues while urging others to share their stories to give hope.