Hey everyone! It’s Coach Jimmy, back again with another round of the best articles from last week, but this isn’t your average weekly recap. Oh no. This time…it’s all about food! I hear it so many times when I’m talking to people about their weight loss goals, what sort of nutrition plan they’re on, and what they’re struggling with and one of the things that keeps creeping up is that healthy food is bland or that it all tastes the same. This couldn’t be any less true so I’ve dedicated this recap to the wonderful world of scrumptious foods that are healthy for you.
Healthy Breakfast Recipes: How to Chow Down, Stay Lean & Energize Your Day!
You have probably heard your whole life that ‘Breakfast is the Healthiest Meal of the Day’, but you have also come to realize that morning is the busiest part of your life! There are lots of things that can contribute to rushing through your mornings, but these healthy breakfast recipes will make sure you get the energy you need in a snap!