It’s easy to say that all fats are bad, but there are good fats and your body NEEDS them!
Intermittent Fasting & Fighting Hunger
Hey Coach Jimmy here and we’re talking intermittent fasting today. I’m actually sitting at my buddy Dave Ward’s house and I’m here for a few days, an extended visit, and we got to talking last night, and he said, “Teach me how you eat. Like, show me what you do.” So, today we’re going to start doing that, but I thought that I would talk about what most people think is the most challenging part, and what I thought was the most challenging part, of intermittent fasting was the fasting part of it.
How to Not Gain Sympathy Weight During Pregnancy
For those of you that don’t know, my wife and I are going to be welcoming our second child pretty soon and the pregnancy cravings are in full swing. I’ve gone through this once before with my son so I’ve learned how to stay fit the hard way.
Last Week in Health & Fitness – August 17, 2015
It’s that time again! Coach Jimmy here with this week’s installment of the best health and fitness articles from last week. For those of you who don’t know what the heck this is, I pick out five of the most informative, interesting, or just plain neat health and fitness articles that cross my path and throw them into a post so you have one less thing to worry about while you’re working on your weight loss goals.
Intermittent Fasting: Good? Bad? or just HUNGRY!?
Intermittent Fasting: Good? Bad? or just HUNGRY!? Today we’re talking about fasting – we’re talking about being flippin’ hungry, which I am, right this second. “Why are you hungry, Jimmy? You’re in your kitchen, just grab something to eat. You are probably wondering, “Why are you hungry, Jimmy? You’re in your kitchen, just grab something […]
Did You Feel Guilty Eating That?
By Jimmy Hays Nelson … The question stuck in my head. That question came in the form of a comment on my Facebook Page when I posted a picture of my cheat meal that week. The admittance that I cheat on my diet like everyone else wasn’t a huge deal, but the issue of guilt associated […]